
4 stages of consciousness

We all have different mood stages and hence our awareness is challenged when we are at different stages. Would you like to know your consciousness stage?

We all have different mood stages and hence our awareness is challenged when we are at different stages. Would you like to know your consciousness stage?

Basically there are 4 stages of consciousness that were explained by Michael Beckwith.

๐Ÿ‘‰In Victim consciousness, we think something outside of ourselves determines our happiness, creates our destiny. We try to make things happen forcefully. We have a BIG blame story.

๐Ÿ‘‰In Manifest consciousness, we begin to observe our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. We begin to think about what we want and who we want to be rather than what we don’t want.

As a result, our reality shifts and we create a life lived on purpose.

๐Ÿ‘‰In Surrender consciousness, there are times where we have tried everything spiritually to change things. Then suddenly we just stop, we let go, we surrender to the universe. We then experience that things are happening to align with our purpose.

๐Ÿ‘‰In this Oneness stage of consciousness we understand that nothing is wrong and nothing is right, it just ‘is’. We stop applying meaning to things, people, and situations. We don’t limit our potential to grow and transform.

๐Ÿ’โ€โ™€๏ธIt’s extremely unlikely that we will reach stage 2, 3, or even 4 and remain there permanently as most successful people do fall back at stage 1. But once you know where you are at it becomes easy for us to move from that stage to the next.

So think about which stage are you at now? Do you dabble around the victim stage or have you moved on to the Manifest consciousness stage?

If you struggle in the victim stage it is about time to move to stage 2.