
Turn Self-Doubt into an Opportunity

Imposter syndrome – are you affected by the persistent, nagging thoughts that tell you, you are undeserving of your achievements?

Turn Self-Doubt into an Opportunity 

Imposter syndrome – are you affected by the persistent, nagging thoughts that tell you are undeserving of your achievements.

We all quite often doubt ourselves for the decisions we make. This is called Imposter Syndrome. You either doubt whether the decision you took is right or not or most of the time you doubt yourself and evaluate your capacity as to whether you deserve something or not. For instance, although you know that you have enough work experience, talent, and skills to get a job that you deserve in terms of position and also salary, you then start to doubt yourself, as do I really deserve these things and even you will start to undervalue your skills. Have you’ve ever felt that way, you’re not alone. Here are some tips to channel your feelings of self-doubt into something more constructive and productive.

1. Reframe self-doubt.

Instead of shying away from experiences that trigger your doubt, deliberately embrace them. Ask yourself in the past what are all were your achievements or the praise you have received from others at work. Those could have been your challenging moments and you nearly made it successful. Remember those challenges were your opportunities to learn.

2. Be okay not being the smartest person in the room.

When you think you are not the smart person to get that project, it's ok if you didn't do that project. Your smartness is not to be linked with the opportunity you didn't get. It's okay if someone else gets that. Embrace yourself and eventually, you will appear more confident when you demonstrate the humility and courage to ask about what you don’t know about that project and you will learn the new aspect which you weren't aware of it before.

3. Always cherish the feedback, even when it’s critical.

No one likes to hear what we are doing wrong, but that’s the only way to grow. Assume goodwill from the feedback giver. When others take their time to point out to develop yourself because they want to see you improve and believe you can. After receiving the feedbacks, take some time to plan out how you will apply it.

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