
Do you know the 6 core needs at work?

Security – This is one of the basic needs we desire, is to have job security, work-life balance, career progression, and tolerable competence to keep ourselves progressing and thrive to sustain.

In this 21st century at work, there are six core needs that all people are looking for regardless of their hierarchical position in the organization. These include:


💪 Security – This is one of the basic needs we desire, is to have job security, work-life balance, career progression, and tolerable competence to keep ourselves progressing and thrive to sustain.

🤝 Belonging – We do want a meaningful connection to others at the workplace. To establish the peer/team relationship. The environment is comprised of both the people and ambiance in the workplace. Creating your peer group at work is very essential for one to progress in that Job.

💁‍♀️Purpose – We want to make a meaningful difference in our work, within our team, and also in our organization. The task which we do must create an impact or provide meaning to the organizational goal. We estimate our value with the value that the work we do creates within the team or organization. It is more of validation to the effort we undertake to do the work.

💪Status – We seek recognition for our contributions in the form of promotion or given the authority to be a decision-maker that would elevate our standards within the organization. This is the stepping stone for us to create the future career path and set the goals.

🏅Achievement – We strive for excellence and take pride in our accomplishments. To be recognized and rewarded for our efforts and excellence is our work rights to keep ourselves motivated and engaged. This is the drive to even decide whether or not to continue working with the same organization or not.

💁Autonomy – We seek freedom in our actions and decisions. To be able to do decision making and create some level of authority that would pave the way to leadership. To be more responsible for the actions and decisions we make at work paves the way to understand the nuisances of corporate diplomacy.


These basic core needs are not always met due to various factors like company performance –employment downsizing & financial crisis, individual performance – lack of experience and training, also technological changes and, poorly managed HR/managerial issues.


👉How do you prepare yourself when your position is made redundant or find it hard to sustain due to lack of training and support or continuous change in the environment and workflow?


👉Have you made a career map for yourself?


👉Have you got your skills matrix done?


If you have the urge and passion to seek a role that would bring you a sense of satisfaction, achievement and leadership then now is the time to start mapping out for future success.