
What Happens to You If You Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs?


Replace your negative thoughts with positive ones.

“I’m not good enough” or “I’m tone-deaf and will never be able to learn music”. These are examples of limiting beliefs that put you in a corner of your own making and often falsely define you.

Let’s begin with this statement, “If your thinking is wrong, your life is wrong; if your thinking is right your life will begin to line up with your thinking and your life begins to be right.” – Myles Munroe

Limiting beliefs have limited and hindered potential successes in so many common practices. It has greatly affected professionals, entrepreneurs, leaders, dreamers, and workers to pursue their goals. Furthermore, these beliefs often come from a place of negativity and fear that keep us from experiencing new opportunities.

“I’m not good enough” or “I’m tone-deaf and will never be able to learn music”. These are examples of limiting beliefs that put you in a corner of your own making and often falsely define you. Moreover, this is a state of mind, conviction, or belief that you think to be true that limits you in some way. In addition, limiting beliefs does not only affect our personal successes but shapes our professional successes as well – from culture to overall performance effectiveness, and efficiency.

Many professionals and entrepreneurs wanted to overcome this struggle. But how do we really overcome such powerful self-limiting beliefs? The key is to identify and overcome them that will eventually lead you to take off your life unstoppably.

Now let us look into these common human self-limiting beliefs and replace them with positive affirmations:

“I’m not good enough” to “I am capable and able”

“I’m too old or too young” to “I feed my spirit. I train my body. I focus my mind. This is my time.”

“I don’t have enough time” to “I do not waste away a single day of my life. I squeeze every ounce of value out of each of my days on this planet—today, tomorrow, and every day.”

“I’m not smart enough” to “I must remember the incredible power I possess within me to achieve anything I desire.”

“I don’t have enough experience” to “I am confident.”

“I’ll never be successful” to “I am getting better and better every day.”

“I don’t have enough money” to “I am not pushed by my problems; I am led by my dreams and goals”

“I’ll never be one of the best” to “I can be whatever I want to be.”

“I’m not talented enough” to “I must remember the incredible power I possess within me to achieve anything I desire.”


Changing your belief system is one of the most important steps to take in achieving success. Pause, stop and reflect. Understand that your thoughts are not the truth and take back your power. Believe that you can, and you will!