
Women's Day - Break the Bias

Why do we celebrate women’s day on March 8th every year? There is a valid reason why they fixed march 8th to commemorate international women’s day. 

Back in 1914, the event was to call for women's right to vote and an end to gender discrimination. Back in 1911, only eight countries allowed women to vote, equal pay for equal work if only women were allowed to work at all. In the 1960’s it was to emphasize the role of women in society. In the 1990’s it was all about women and feminism was widespread globally. 

However, in the modern era, we celebrate women’s day to recognise how far we've come towards gender equality, and also how far we have left to go. But despite a great deal of progress, women and girls continue to face discrimination and violence in every part of the world.
Break the Bias is the theme for this year – how would we want to break this bias between each other. 

In the most recent analysis of 75 countries, it is revealed that almost 90% of people are biased against women. Despite progress in closing the equality gap 91% of men 86% of women hold at least one bias against women about politics, economics, education, violence, or reproductive rights. It is shocking to know bias not only exists between gender but among our women hood.

According to the report, about half of the world's men and women feel that men make better political leaders. 
In China, 55% of people thought men were better suited to be political leaders. 
Around 39% of people in the US, which is yet to have a female president, thought men made better leaders. 
However, in New Zealand, a country that currently has a female leader, only 27% of people thought that. 

The world needs more woman leaders today than ever before.

How do we become empowered?

Empowerment is about taking control of your own life and making positive decisions based on what you want.
There was this time 5 years before I was going through a lot of challenges in my personal and professional life. It was like one wave after the other, my dad passed away and consecutively my 20 years of married life was crumbling and due to covid, I lost my job as well. I had feared to drive the car on road, I had feared to say my opinion in the morning team huddle meeting, I was a complete introvert. I didn’t have any clarity on anything, however, I took a few decisions and worked on myself. We all have choices either to be the same or change the pattern of what we do. The decision I made on that day has completely changed my life. Today I’m a life and career coach helping immigrant professionals, helping others to progress in their life with a positive mindset. Self-lead is the attribute required to become a leader.

What do I mean by Self-lead? Is to take complete control of your choices on your decision making; to have your values clearly defined for yourself and act accordingly

Learn to set boundaries- quite often we go by the choices of what the majority of others take. If it is not the best option or choice you must clearly express it even it means a lot for you and others. 

Let go of the emotions that don’t serve you in your life. 

Take the opportunities that come your way. You might find it challenging to be you because not everyone is going to welcome the act of you are self-leading yourself. Lean in towards the faith and overcome all the barriers. The more you start being you the more empowered you become. 

Your journey to become a leader has just begun. Be that influencer to others around you. Go past the judgment and evaluate others. Be a compassionate and assertive person. 

One of the best ways to be a self-led leader is to involve yourself in a voluntary activity that aligns with your core value. 

Ask yourself what would you want to achieve in the next 12 months or by end of this year 2022. Set your goals and work towards them. Ask for help if you need support or guidance. Know your strength and build skills around your goals. 

Remember to Create Your Edge