As an Accredited Consultant for DISC Advanced, Ive been working with Professionals and Individuals with great results to enhance their careers, increasing their performance, promoting a deep level of self-knowledge and the development of skills that sometimes comes to them as a great surprise.

Let me briefly introduce you to the DISC Advanced, a Behavioural Profile Analysis.

A very powerful tool which original elements were taken from the work of Carl Jung, and further developed into a four-quadrant model by William Moulton-Marston.
DISC Advance identifies the strengths and development areas of individuals on a deep and unconscious level to allow for true performance improvement in all areas of life


7 Major Advantages of the DISC ADVANCED® profile system

  1. The DISC ADVANCED® profile system is a “real world” process. The DISC ADVANCED® process is about achieving real outcomes in the workplace environment. Having the DISC Profile is just the start.
  2. DISC ADVANCED® profiles, unlike other assessments, measures both the subconscious or natural style and the conscious or adjusted style.
  3. DISC ADVANCED® assessments can be (and often are) answered by the respondent in the way they believe the employer would like them to answer.
  4. The DISC ADVANCED® profile system can indicate the influence of the present environment on a persons motivation.
  5. DISC ADVANCED® profiles provide Action Plans relating specifically to the persons behavioural style. This is very valuable in the development of the person and a great tool in moving them forward to where they want to get to.

With DISC Advanced you will have information that enables you to improve the performance.

DISC Advance Profile.

The DISC Advance online psychological assessment consists of a 24-question questionnaire. Although it seems simple, it provides fully accurate information about human behaviour.