
Do you want to achieve more in your career?

Are you keeping track of your achievements on the job?

It is great if you are doing good work but were not recognized by your manager, would you feel demotivated?

Do you want to achieve more in your career?

Do you struggle to get a promotion or look for the scope elsewhere apart from your current workplace?

Start to do the following things that are necessary to make an impact on yourself.

1. Keep a record of your wins

Track all of your achievements. Surpassed your goals? Cracked a big account? Make a note every time you accomplish something, and add it to a folder on your desktop or in your email. Include shout-outs from colleagues or clients.

2. Present a persuasive case 

Explain to your manager how you’ve grown, how your responsibilities have increased, and how your work has helped the company achieve its goals, using the data you’ve tracked as evidence.

3. Plant the seed

If you are expecting the Promotion initiate the first conversation with your manager during your annual performance review or after you’ve surpassed a major goal.

Making a case for your next promotion or next job can be a tedious and tiring journey. Preparing early for the next move by creating a record of your achievements and success helps you to build the conversation and also it is the best way to boost your chances either in the existing workplace or for the next job.

Share some of your wins with us too. comment below.